Thursday, March 28, 2013

pencil portrait


                                                                      sales at $100

My paintings expose darkness and secrecy. In them I indulge shame, guilt, rage, and despair—yet still express triumph and survival. I pair ugliness with beauty, torment with comfort, anger with compliance and anguish with hope. I tend to explore women’s issues including growing up, suppression, domination, control, abuse, empowerment, self-esteem, and other facets of our existence. By juxtaposing innocence with power, naiveté with control, inexperience with sophistication, cute with disturbing, sweet with angry, pink with black, my images can mean many things to many people—and not just of one gender. Childhood exploration of flea markets and antique shops with my mother and my father’s love of history have combined in me. I have a passion for all things historical, but especially those that affected or represented the lives of women. Years of collecting and studying antique clothing, fabrics, books, and other sundries aid me in my works. Wherever I falter in communicating my thoughts, I entrust my images to speak for me.

pencil portrait

                                                                     sales at $100

In a similar manner to my practice of demonstrating the dynamism and unfixity of identity through constant character transformations, the installations will demonstrate the same through their cycles of transformation. Each installation space parodies real-world, real spaces: studio, office, commercial, domestic, etc. Each space will be open to the viewer as participant/user; the manner in which they participate with, or use it will be dependent on the identity of each installation. Each space will be inhabited and uninhabited at different times to play with presence and absence. Each will aim to antagonize, upset, frustrate and/or agitate the viewer through different anti-social strategies that will include: parody, deceit, surveillance and theft.

pencil portrait

                                                                   sales at $100

The dresses are really just surrogates for my self. Bringing the female figure into my photography expresses more in a physical sense my experience of contact with my surroundings and the things I love about it--the light, the wind, the dry heat, the cracked earth and blistering cold, even the dead things I come across.

pencil portrait

                                                                       sales at $100

Liberated from detail, these paintings expose moments of everyday life that tap into the viewer’s mind. Complementing the expressiveness of the figurative works are the artist's simplified abstractions of shape, color and the containment of light.

pencil portrait

                                                             sales at $100

No text also means no context. You're free to enjoy the images in their purest form, without names, labels, definitions, or purpose. It makes the pictures we see across the web more mysterious and open to interpretation of our own imaginations.

pencil portrait

                                                                 sales at $100

No text also means no context. You're free to enjoy the images in their purest form, without names, labels, definitions, or purpose. It makes the pictures we see across the web more mysterious and open to interpretation of our own imaginations.

pencil portrait

pencil portrait

pencil portrait

                                                                     sales at $100

This work explores the conceptual twists and turns of fluidity and impalpability of the body as a social and political context. Issues of tradition, religion and gender are chartered from image to body and body to image.